Wendy Zhou
Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering

Berthoud Hall 305D
Personal Page
- Ph.D., Geological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- M.S., Computer Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- M.S., Geological Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- B.S., Engineering Geology, China University of Geology, Wuhan, China
Research Areas
- GIS applications in natural resource management, environmental impact study, and geohazard zonation
- SAR and PSInSAR applications in ground movement monitoring, such as ground subsidence, and landslide deformation rate
- Rock mass characterization
- Numerical modeling, such as finite element and finite difference methods, for ground thermal regime and tress-strain distribution in the rock or soil mass
- Zhou, W., Minnick M.D., and Cui, C. (2018) GIS for Natural Resources (Mineral, Energy, and Water). In: Huang, B. (Ed.), Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems 2, pp. 158–186. Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128046609
- Semmens, S. N., Zhou, W., van Wesenbeeck, B.K., and Santi, P.M. (2017) Application of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Evaluation of Levee Sustainability, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 23(1), 65-77, DOI:2113/EEG-1845
- Stewart, J.C., Zhou, W., Santi, P.M., (2017), “Using an integrated remote sensing approach for identification of bedrock and alluvium along the Front Range mountains, Colorado, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11(4), 046009 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.11.046009
- Chen, J., Li. Y., Zhou, , Iqbal, J. and Cui, Z., (2017) Debris flow susceptibility assessment model and its application in semi-arid mountainous areas, SE Tibetan Plateau, Natural Hazards Review, 18(2): 1- 15, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000229, 05016005
- Anderson, E.D., Monecke, T., Hitzman, M.W., Zhou, and Bedrosian, P.A. (2017), Mineral potential mapping in an accreted island-arc setting using aeromagnetic data: An example from southwest Alaska, Economic Geology, 112 (2): 375-396
- Cui, C., Zhou W., and Geza, M. (2016) GIS-based Nitrogen Removal Model for Assessing Florida’s Surficial Aquifer Vulnerability, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(6), 1-15
- Werner, C., Lowry, B., Wegmüller, U., Pugh, N., Schrock, G. and Zhou (2016) Deformation Time-series Derived from Terrestrial Radar Observations using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry in Seattle, Washington, 2016 IEEE Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 6835-6838, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7730784
- Zhou, W., Minnick, M.D., Mattson, E.D., Geza, M. and Murray, K.E. (2015) GIS-based geospatial infrastructure of water resource assessment for supporting of oil shale development in Piceance Basin of northwestern Colorado, Computers and Geosciences, 77: 44–53, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2015.01.007
- Anderson, E.D., Zhou, W., Li, Y., Hitzman, M.W., Monecke, T., Lang, J.R., and Kelley, K.D., (2014) Three-dimensional distribution of igneous rocks near the Pebble porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit in southwestern Alaska: Constraints from regional-scale aeromagnetic data, Geophysics, 79 (2): 1–17, 10.1190/GEO2013-0326.1
- Lowry, B., Gomez, F., Zhou, W., Mooney, M.A., Held, B., and Grasmick, J. (2013) High Resolution Displacement Monitoring of a Slow Velocity Landslide using Ground Based Radar Interferometry, Engineering Geology, 166(8): 160-169
Courses Taught
- EPICS 251 – GIS
- GEGN 475 – Applications of Geographic Information Systems
- GEGN 432 – Geological Data Management
- GEGN 575 – Applications of Geographic Information Systems