Ucode_2014 And Auxiliary Computer Codes For Universal Sensitivity Analysis, Calibration, And Uncertainty Evaluation:


*UCODE_2014 completely supersedes and is backward compatible with UCODE_2005


UCODE_2014 is documented using two reports:
1) UCODE_2005 documentation and
2) a new report for UCODE_2014
ucode 2014

Constructed using the JUPITER API:

JUPITER: Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability
Application Programming Interface

Summary of UCODE_2014
(includes version history)

UCODE_2014 Manual

The UCODE_2014 manual is INCLUDED in the DOWNLOAD BELOW, but is offered here individually for convenient individual download:

Poeter, Eileen P., Mary C. Hill, Dan Lu, Claire R. Tiedeman, and Steffen Mehl, 2014, UCODE_2014, with new capabilities to define parameters unique to predictions, calculate weights using simulated values, estimate parameters with SVD, evaluate uncertainty with MCMC, and More: Integrated Groundwater Modeling Center Report Number: GWMI 2014-02.

UCODE_2005 Manual
The UCODE_2005 manual is INCLUDED in the DOWNLOAD BELOW, but is offered here individually for convenient individual download:

Poeter, E.P., Hill, M.C., Banta, E.R., Mehl, Steffen, and Christensen, Steen, 2005, UCODE_2005 and Six Other Computer Codes for Universal Sensitivity Analysis, Calibration, and Uncertainty Evaluation: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A11, 283p.  As updated in Feb 2008.

The UCODE_2014 and UCODE_2005 documentation refers to Hill and Tiedeman (2007) in many places.
The publication is now available as:

Effective Groundwater Model Calibration: With Analysis of Data, Sensitivities, Predictions, and Uncertainty

Mary C. Hill and Claire R. Tiedeman, 2007, Wiley.
Supporting information for the book is available at:


Information on purchasing the book is available at:


DOWNLOAD UCODE_2014 version 1.004 along with OPR-PPR, MMA, and SIM-Adjust (for installation instructions seereadme_ucode_2014.pdf)

    self-extracting zip file ucode_2014_1.004.exe with executables for a PC, source and test files:
    place in root directory and extract, directory wrdapp/ucode_2014_1.004 will be created if it does not yet exist

This distribution of UCODE_2014 includes three programs often used with UCODE. OPR-PPR calculates measures of data importance to model predictions. The quantities evaluated are observations (targets) and parameters from model development. Thus, OPR-PPR provides statistics that quantify the link between observations and predictions (the statistic is called OPR) and the link between parameters and predictions (the statistic is called PPR). MMA supports the use of multiple alternative models. The models may differ in the included processes, parameterization methods, and in other ways. All models need to be evaluated using the same set of observations. SIM_Adjust allows the user to manage circumstances in which the simulated equivalent for one or more observations is not produced. The user can define an alternate simulated value or constant to be used instead.

(Questions about, or problems with, UCODE_2014? Contact Eileen Poeter)


GW_Chart:  A GUI for viewing UCODE output to data-exchange files

ModelMate:  A GUI to facilitate model analysis by software applications that invoke model simulations as external processes. This initial version supports ucode_2005 and MODFLOW-2005

OPR-PPR: A Computer Program for Assessing Data Importance to Model Predictions Using Linear Statistics

SIM_ADJUST: A Computer Code that Adjusts Simulated Equivalents for Observations

MMA:  A Computer Code for Multi-Model Analysis

Jupiter API
:  The JUPITER API provides resources for programming applications (computer programs) designed to analyze process models.